The Allure of Carpaccio of Pineapple and Mango: A Tropical Delight

Welcome, fellow food lovers! Today, I’m thrilled to introduce you to a culinary delight that has captured my heart and taste buds – the vibrant and refreshing Carpaccio of Pineapple and Mango. Imagine this: thin slices of juicy pineapple and ripe mango, arranged in a beautiful pattern, bursting with tropical flavors. It’s like a mini vacation on a plate! Whether you’re a seasoned chef or a novice in the kitchen, this Carpaccio of Pineapple and Mango is sure to add a dash of excitement to your culinary adventures. So, buckle up as we embark on this tropical journey together!

Carpaccio of Pineapple and Mango Recipe

Pineapple Carpaccio with Lemon Sorbet and Candied Zest Recipe

Carpaccio of pineapple and mango

Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Total Time 30 minutes
Course Dessert
Cuisine American
Servings 2 people
Calories 359 kcal


  • 1 sharp knife


  • 1 small fresh pineapple cleaned
  • 1 ripe mango peeled
  • 1/2 small coconut notes


  • 20 cl source water
  • 80 g fine crystal sugar
  • 1 hand-full fresh sheets
  • lemon melissa


  • Bring the water with the sugar to cook, lets during 2 minus reduce.
  • Joint the lemon melissa and lets withdraw 15 minus.
  • Filter and pushes good.
  • Cut pineapple and mango flesh with a sharp knife in fine plakken.
  • Arrange them nicely on cooled chalkboards.
  • Transvases with the syrup and cover with plastic foil.
  • Keep 1 u. in the frigidaire.
  • Peel the piece coconut note and plane with dunschiller 50 fine curls g.
  • Garnish the carpaccio and serve ice-cold.


Keyword coconut, fresh pineapple, mango

About Carpaccio of Pineapple and Mango

Pineapple Carpaccio with Ricotta Cream and Candied Celery | RICARDO

Carpaccio of Pineapple and Mango is a refreshing, vibrant dish that brings together the tropical flavors of pineapple and mango in a unique way. Traditionally, Carpaccio refers to a dish of thinly sliced or pounded raw meat or fish served as an appetizer. However, in this context, it refers to a dessert or appetizer where ripe but firm fruits are thinly sliced and arranged artistically on a plate.

The beauty of this dish lies in its simplicity and versatility. The natural sweetness and juiciness of the pineapple and mango make it a delightful treat on its own. However, it can also be enhanced with a drizzle of honey, a sprinkle of chili powder for a bit of heat, or even a squeeze of lime for some tanginess.

Cooking Tips for Perfect Carpaccio of Pineapple and Mango

Preparing Carpaccio of Pineapple and Mango may seem straightforward, but here are some tips to ensure your dish is a success:

  • Fruit Selection: The key to a successful Carpaccio lies in the quality of your fruits. Choose ripe but firm pineapples and mangoes that are full of flavor.
  • Precision Slicing: Use a sharp knife to achieve thin, even slices. This not only makes the dish look more appealing but also enhances the eating experience.
  • Experiment with Flavors: While the natural sweetness of pineapple and mango is delightful on its own, feel free to add a drizzle of honey or a sprinkle of chili powder for a bit of heat. A squeeze of lime can also add a tangy contrast that complements the sweetness of the fruits.
  • Presentation: The beauty of Carpaccio of Pineapple and Mango lies in its presentation. Arrange the slices in an overlapping pattern for a visually appealing dish.
  • Serving Suggestions: This dish is perfect on its own, but for an extra touch of indulgence, consider adding a scoop of coconut ice cream or a drizzle of honey. Pair it with a refreshing tropical cocktail, and you’ve got yourself a delightful dessert!

Frequently Asked Questions

Carpaccio d'ananas rôti à la vanille - Les Délices De Marina

  • “Can I use other fruits?”: Absolutely! While pineapple and mango are a classic combination, feel free to experiment with other fruits like kiwi, papaya, or even strawberries.
  • “Can I prepare this dish ahead of time?”: Yes, you can! Just make sure to cover the dish and store it in the fridge to keep the fruits fresh.
  • “What can I serve with Carpaccio of Pineapple and Mango?”: This dish is perfect on its own, but for an extra touch of indulgence, consider adding a scoop of coconut ice cream or a drizzle of honey. Pair it with a refreshing tropical cocktail, and you’ve got yourself a delightful dessert!
  • “How do I achieve thin, even slices?”: Use a sharp knife and take your time. If you have a mandoline slicer, that could also be used to achieve uniform slices.
  • “Can I add any spices or herbs?”: Absolutely! A sprinkle of chili powder can add a nice kick, while fresh mint leaves can provide a refreshing contrast to the sweetness of the fruits.

Serving Suggestions

Finally, let’s talk about serving your Carpaccio of Pineapple and Mango. This dish is perfect on its own, but for an extra touch of indulgence, consider adding a scoop of coconut ice cream or a drizzle of honey. Pair it with a refreshing tropical cocktail, and you’ve got yourself a delightful dessert!

So, are you ready to embark on your own Carpaccio of Pineapple and Mango adventure? Trust me, it’s a journey filled with delicious discoveries. Enjoy the ride!

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